Alison Ramos is a junior at Prep and the 2023-24 Student Council Vice President! This is her first year in a leadership role, and she is very energetic and ready to take on big challenges. Alison gave The Boulevard Online a few minutes of her rare free time for an interview:
TBO: What is your dream after high school?
Alison Ramos: These days, my dream after high school has been changing. In general, though, I’d like to be somewhere that allows me to be me, because I know there’s some careers where the workers have to fit certain criteria in their character. To have the freedom of being me means that I will feel respected by those around me. I’d like to pursue something in the field of mathematics in terms of college. Some days, I lean towards the more creative side like engineering, and other days, I lean towards the theoretics of mathematics. My mind still isn’t made up. I’d still like to pursue some performance opportunities because I believe I have a lot of potential, as proven by my “I Love Play Rehearsal” act I did at the talent show here at Prep about four years ago. I also hope I get to live in New York at some point in the future. I like New York from the times I’ve been there, and I like the abundance of activity at all hours.
TBO: What is your favorite dessert?
Alison Ramos: That’s a bit of a hard question. I have quite a bit. I like funnel cake and sugar cookies. I tried funnel cake for the first time when I went to Wildwood back in June, and it was really good. I haven’t had some since then, which makes me sad. I also haven’t had sugar cookies in a while, but I believe my friend is bringing some to a group hangout in a couple of weeks, so I’m excited, to say the least. Between the two, I might have to pick a funnel cake, though.
TBO: What is your favorite quote?
Alison Ramos: “When you let fear control your life, you end up in a place that’s worse than what you were trying to avoid.” I tried to figure out who said the quote so I could give credit but I couldn’t find it. This quote, in particular, really inspires me, so I’m happy I stumbled upon it.
TBO: Describe yourself in one word?
Alison Ramos: Resourceful. A lot of what I do comes from me being smart and using my resources. For a good portion of my life, I’ve had a loud and clear voice. I love my voice and the sound of my voice. I’m able to project pretty well, and this allows for many public speaking opportunities. By taking advantage of the wide range of volume my voice provides, I’m able to get my peers to listen to me. Along with my voice, I’ve had a pretty good grasp on the English language for the longest time. I love using grammar rules and being able to formulate words in a way that gets people to listen. I love to explain myself to those who are willing to listen. Sometimes, the connections I build with teachers allow me to stumble upon new opportunities. Teachers who believe in me give me the chances I need to become an amazing student. I’ve had a bunch of resources at my side during my time as a Prep student. There is nothing I love more than using the resources I am being provided.
TBO: What does being Student Council Vice President mean to you?
Alison Ramos: Being Student Council Vice President means being an open resource. Being that I am in the earlier months of my junior year, I was a sophomore and an underclassman only a couple of months ago. I think I look and sound about a year younger than I am, which allows me to be approachable. I love answering questions about student council because it means that my years of experience paid off with knowledge about how processes work within the council. Being vice president also means being reliable when working with Mr. Fig, as well as Nelsie and Chastity. Sometimes, all four of us have to meet at the last minute to discuss important matters. Some may see it as a hassle, I think it’s just part of my responsibilities.
TBO: What are you most excited for this school year?
Alison Ramos: This school year, I’m most excited to see everyone around me grow as people. I’ve seen some of my friends take on new challenges in terms of stepping into new leadership roles. They have learned to step out of their comfort zones, and some have considered doing so in the near future. I really have a lot of faith in each and every one of my friends, and even just my peers around me. I believe that if someone is dedicated to their craft, it’ll turn out alright in the end. They’re going to be okay in the end as long ad they try. I’m really excited to see my friends take initiative in these new roles they’ve assumed. I already witnessed this from my friend in the student council, creating new ways to stay organized. I really love noticing change in character in myself, and I love it even more when I notice it in the friends I have. The friends who aren’t leaders have grown too. Some people have become more mature and attentive to their school work, which I think is always a good change. Some maintain a higher level of discipline in themselves in order to be an even better student this year, which I really admire. These are only what I’ve seen so far. Growth is coming in the near future, I can feel it.
TBO: What are you inspired to do?
Alison Ramos: In life, I’m inspired to live my life the way I want it to. I like every part of me because you’ll never find another Alison Britney Ramos with all the mannerisms and interests that I have. While there are people who have common interests, there will never be an exact replica of me. Because of this fact, I think it’s important for me to embrace this uniqueness wherever I go. I’m inspired to reassure others when I notice they have insecurities that I once had. If I notice someone who is afraid to try something new, I’ll encourage them because I know what it’s like to be afraid and have nobody by my aide to encourage me. I understand the feeling of being alone, and I never want any Prep student I come across to feel like that. There’s so many friendly people around here, and I’m inspired to connect with people and help them understand that fact.