Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Johnston
Ms. Johnston, middle school math teacher, left. With her are eighth-graders, left to right: Jessica Perez Juarez, Miranda Raffo, Yadira Gonzalez, Valerie Ramirez Sanguino, Treffina West.
Ms. Morgan Johnston is an 8th-grade math teacher at Passaic Preparatory Academy. This is her third year teaching at Prep. Last year she was like a famous YouTube star on Google Meets and her students describe her as kind and energized. Other students describe her as caring and thoughtful. She is passionate about teaching Algebra.
The Boulevard Online: What do you do in your free time?
Ms. Johnston: Hang out with my friends, read books and take naps.
TBO: What advice would you give to your students?
Ms. Johnston: Try your best, and ask for help when you need it.
TBO: If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you want to bring?
Ms. Johnston: I would try to leave. I would bring fireworks so I could attract attention to myself and somebody could help me.
TBO: If there was a zombie apocalypse, what would you do first?
Ms. Johnston: I would team up with someone who knows what they are doing.
TBO: Tell us a funny story you have heard/had happened to you?
Ms. Johnston: On my first day of high school, I went to the wrong math class. All the students were seniors and I was a freshman. I knew I was taking an advanced math class, so I didn’t think about the age of the other students. When the teacher called attendance, my name wasn’t on the roster. I waited the entire class period to say something. At the end, she brought me to my real class. The only seat left was front and center where I had to remain for the rest of the school year because my teacher never changed seats.
TBO: If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
Ms. Johnston: To fly, because I could go anywhere and I wouldn’t have to pay for a plane ticket.
TBO: What part of your life would you want to go back to and why?
Ms. Johnston: I would want to go back to the beginning of quarantine, when we thought it was only going to be two weeks and I was taking a lot of walks and doing a lot of reading. I wouldn’t want to relive the pandemic, experience the tragedies, or be in quarantine for 18 months again, but the first two weeks were like spring break.
TBO: What is your favorite part of teaching?
Ms. Johnston: My favorite part is when students who historically didn’t like math begin to understand and enjoy it. Watching students’ confidence grow is the most enjoyable part of teaching.
Thank you Ms. Johnston!

Yadira Gonzalez, News Editor, is a junior at Passaic Preparatory Academy. This is her fifth year at Prep. She is involved in The Boulevard Online, Student...