Ms. Ashley Povolo and her siblings made state history by being one of the first set of quintuplets (5 twins, basically) to all graduate at the same time from a New Jersey college. Ms. Povolo and her siblings will all graduate from Montclair State University on Monday, May 13. Ms. Povolo was a student-teacher here at Prep and taught AP English Language and Composition with Ms. Mulreany through Friday, May 9. Her major at MSU was English, in the Teacher Education Program, and she is getting her certification in P-12. Ms. Povolo gave The Boulevard Online some of her time to answer these questions:
The Boulevard Online: How does it feel being in a quintuplet?
Ms. Povolo: It’s weird. It’s like a friend group that you live with. It’s fun but it took me years to find a way to explain it.
TBO: Was it competitive between you guys?
Ms. Povolo: In high school it was because we were in the same grade and we were academically good students. But in college we are majoring in different things, but sometimes we compete with our grades, but we’re all on different courses so the grading is different.
TBO: You guys made history, how does that feel?
Ms. Povolo: It feels lit and I can’t even explain it. It feels weird but it’s cool. It is even with my siblings, we’ve been apparently making history since we were born, so it feels like a normal thing, but I’m very proud to be doing this with them.

TBO: Are you and your siblings close to each other?
Ms. Povolo: Yeah we are closer now than when we were when we were kids. Now that we’re all doing different things and we’re all on different paths, I’m closer with them because of how little we see each other.
TBO: Can you tell us an interesting story about being a quintuplet?
Ms. Povolo: Our birthday is on July 4 and we used to think those fireworks were for us.
TBO: Are you the oldest, middle or youngest?
Ms. Povolo: I’m a middle child, my sister, brother, me, and my other two brothers.
TBO: How does it feel to graduate with your siblings?
Ms. Povolo: It’s cool and sad because it’s the last thing we’ll do with each other since we always do things together. I’m very happy and proud to be doing this with them, though.
TBO: Are you going to miss the students that you were with during your time here at Prep?
Ms. Povolo: I am. There are so many of you guys and you guys are so good and kind. I’m going to miss you guys a lot.
Before Ms. Povolo left Prep, she left a note to her class, posted in each Google Classroom:
“I wanted to take the time and thank you all for being such great classes throughout my student teaching experience. Though I taught some classes more than others, I have learned a lot about what it means to be a teacher from all of you. You all were (most of the time) a great group and I will never forget my time with y’all.
Unfortunately, due to unforeseen events, today is my last day. On a lighter note, though, I have an article out about my siblings and I (which is why I will be out all day tomorrow), that I’ll link if you guys want to check it out.
Again, I can’t thank you all enough for making my experience one I’ll remember forever. Good luck on all of your AP exams and maybe I’ll see you in the future as a sub.”
Thank you, Ms. Povolo, for giving us a few minutes before you leave and we will miss you.