In this 8-minute student film, Director Lismary Pascal skillfully exposes the struggles of being a student, with the main character, Dolan, suffering pain at home and attempting to hide it at school. The film expresses a real-life scenario faced secretly by many students.
The story follows Dolan (played by Prep freshman Kevin Garcia), a high school student, experiencing hardships at home and struggling to get through a typical day. Through his story we learn about the decision to choose whether or not to mask emotions or ask for help. Dolan feels pressure to uphold his status as a popular student, and the fear of being judged is always present — but eventually overshadowed by support.
Ultimately, through his story, the Director leaves the audience understanding that despite a feeling of alienation, they are not alone. The significance of this short film is to remind people to ask for help, and that it is okay for things to not be alright.
Hope you enjoy! — Lismary Pascal, Director, Writer, Editor.
“Is Everything Alright?”
Starring Kevin Garcia and Angelie Aguilar