Elections yield student leaders at Prep
Amy Zarebczan is elected Student Council President as a sophomore
Amy Zarebczan is Student Council President for Passaic Prep Academy.
Millions of Americans went out to vote on Election Day, November 5. We had the same opportunity right here at Passaic Prep, a little earlier on the calendar.
On Sept. 26, the students of Passaic Prep hit the voting site in the auditorium to vote for their next student council.
This is a decision that affects all students at Prep. The votes were announced at the end of the day and students learned who their next student council president was going to be: sophomore Amy Zarebczan.
“I have a lot in mind, but a lot of good things are coming up this year, fundraisers, student teacher activities, and more!” Amy told The Boulevard.
Amy has taken part in student government since she was a middle schooler at Lincoln.
“Middle School shaped me!” she said. “Thanks to Mr. Figueroa who has taught me so much of what I know today, from public speaking to working with others. I would say he is one of the reasons I won this election.”
Mr. Figueroa, student council adviser, is in charge of ensuring that the council is run smoothly. He teaches AP US History 1 and AP Human Geography at Passaic Prep.
Passaic Prep’s Student Council officers for 2019:
Amy Zarebczan – President
James Pascal – Vice President
Lizbeth Coliente – Treasurer/Secretary
Senior class representatives:
President: Aralis Rodriguez
Vice President: Lizbeth Coliente
Secretary: Jianna Delarosa
Treasurer: Kamil Santana
Junior class representatives:
President: Yansely Estrella
Vice President: Yakhaira Aguilar
Treasurer: Lizet Coyotl
Secretary: Lissette Rios
Sophomore class representatives:
President: Jaden Tejeda
Vice President: Marisol Coliente
Freshman class representatives:
President: Jonitzel Cruz
Vice President: Desiree Parades
Treasurer: Bryan Perez
Secretary: Erick Alemany

Bryan Perez M., Staff Reporter, is a senior at Passaic Prep Academy. He spends most of his time helping out the Student Council. He loves music and playing...