Meet the Candidates: Student Council Vice President
Five students hope to be your Student Council Vice President next school year, 2022-23. Voting will be conducted through a Google Form that will be provided to you during history class on June 16, and June 17 for those of you who miss school on the 16th. The Form will only allow you to vote once, and only high school students, including seniors, are eligible to vote. Send questions to Mr. Weaver at [email protected].
All five candidates made a short video and were asked two questions by the Journalism Club. Below are their videos and answers to the questions, unedited, and listed in alphabetical order:
Q: What do you hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader next year?
A: What I hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader next year is to always listen to the concerns of all the students and voice them over to the Student Council, to make positive changes that many students can agree with. I also hope to accomplish learning more about being a leader and to grow in my leadership skills.
Q: If you are elected , what will you do about Prep’s dress code?
A: If I am elected, I will set meetings and check in with the Uniform Committee with the data that was collected from this year’s uniform poll. This data will be reviewed to see what the student body wants to change in the uniform policy. I understand that many students in Prep do not agree with the uniform policy. Therefore, I want to implement a compromise, whether it is changing the design of the hooded sweatshirts or adding another color to the uniform, where both students and administration agree with the compromise.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader next year?
A: I hope to make the 2022-2023 school year a productive year for Student Council. I hope to get people more involved and make student council a fun place where we can make great decisions about our school.
Q: If you are elected , what will you do about Prep’s dress code?
A: I will try my hardest to work with the student council student body and administration to accommodate the students whether that be by adding colors to the uniforms or changing the logo.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader next year?
A: I hope that as a leader I will work with the student council, the administration, trusting teachers, the staff, and my peers to create more fun days in our school, while also emphasizing the importance of time management and work ethic. These “fun days” would include more dress-downs, creative spirit weeks, parties, pep rallies, etc. I would love to show more cultural representation in our school, and possibly make colorful designs around our school to create a lively ambiance. I hope to advocate for mental health as a whole and to provide as much as I can to each and every student. To be a friend, to lend a shoulder, and to be depended on to defend anyone that needs help. I hope to passionately fight for what I believe in even if that means I am fighting alone. I hope to make our school a cleaner place and encourage the activism of climate change in our environment, to even grow plants around our school creating a vibrant atmosphere. I hope to achieve and accomplish all these things next year!
Q: If you are elected , what will you do about Prep’s dress code?
A: If I am elected I will work with the student council, the administration, trusting teachers, the staff, fellow peers, and most importantly the students to create numerous clothing options. To hear what you as the student body wants to wear and that it will express your individuality because the matters to me. To create different styles and colors, especially if it corresponds with specific clubs, organizations, or pathways. I hope to have open conversations with staff on even negotiating the reduction of regulations within the policy. If we accomplish multiple options I will make sure the prices are reasonable, nonetheless, create clothing that is comfortable and fashionable for all.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader next year?
A: As a Student Council leader next year I hope to meet the wants and needs of the student body. This school year was our first year back in person and while it did run smoothly there were concerns presented to the council and there is undeniably room for improvement. If I am elected vice president I will work alongside the elected board and council to provide solutions and address concerns and ideas of the student body. For example there were many ideas on how to elevate and spice up Prep’s appearance. If elected vice president I hope to elevate Preps appearance in order to make our school hallways welcoming. I also want to implement suggestion boxes where students can write down ideas they have that would then be presented and discussed at student council meetings. These are just some of the ideas that I would like to see implemented here at Prep.
Q: If you are elected , what will you do about Prep’s dress code?
A: I know that our school dress code has been a pressing topic among the student body and there are several students who disagree with the current dress code. This year our Principal, Ms. Bruce shared with the student council that if the student body fought for white and black to be implemented in the dress code she would not oppose it. If elected vice president my first order of business would be to get black and white a part of our uniform policy.
Q: What do you hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader next year?
A: There are many things I hope to accomplish as a Student Council leader. I hope to bring attention to most of the concerns and ideas students have. I want to take the opinion of students and work with them as well as student council to try to make things better, up to a point where everyone is comfortable and content. I want to become the person where students can voice themselves through me and be able to involve not only student council members but all of the student body to make the decisions for their school. As a student council leader I would want to bring more clubs to the school, or make the ones we already have even better then they already are. Having a different variety of electives is something I would like to advocate more as well as find a middle ground with the uniform policy. Not to mention that I want to do something when it comes to advocating the LGBTQ+ community, by making the school a safer environment. Our pathways are mostly about writing notes and learning about the actual pathway but I want to do something a little different. I want to try to set up field trips within the actual Pathways. For example if you have Journalism, maybe set up a trip to a local news station and see how things work around there. There’s also the fact that our school is gray and purple, and those colors aren’t the most vibrant. I had multiple friends tell me they want the school to be more colorful. Which is what i want to accomplish. A big priority is feminine products in all of the girls bathroom. Sometimes going all the way to nurse when you run out of your own products is a big hassle. Therefore I’ll try to do something about advocating this.
Q: If you are elected , what will you do about Prep’s dress code?
A: Although representing what school you go to, and taking pride by wearing the uniform it shouldn’t be the top priority at the moment. I would try to speak to Mrs. Bruce and try to do something about being more lenient with the uniforms. If wearing uniforms is a matter of safety we can try advocating wearing our school id´s instead. Or trying to adapt the color of our mascot, being black as well as the color white. A student is more likely to have the color white and black in their closet then purple and gray. I will try to do my best and will have as many meetings as possible to accomplish what the majority of students want. If students were able to wear the color black, there will be less detentions, and the students will be in uniform most of the time.

Mr. Schmerler is the Staff Adviser of The Boulevard Online. He worked in the field of journalism for 25 years and has a Masters degree in Broadcast Journalism...