Student Spotlight: Middle school SGA President Alison Ramos

8th-grader is Prep’s first middle school president

Photo courtesy of Alison Ramos

Alison Ramos, 8th grade, is the Middle School Student Council President.

By Yadira Gonzalez, Staff Reporter

Alison Ramos is the 2020-21 middle school student president at Passaic Preparatory Academy! The eighth-grader was kind to give us some of her time to answer our questions.

The Boulevard Online: What does the Student Government Association (SGA) do for the middle school?

Alison: They provide activities that are fun for students. Activities like these are school dances and Spirit Week. They also give back to the community. They look to participate in fundraisers, as they are a good way of saying thank you to the community. They want to do the best they can to connect students together during this pandemic. They are based on student opinion so they consider what the student wants.

TBO: How do you feel about being Prep’s middle school student president?

Alison: I think it’s a great achievement. I’m really proud to be president. When I was in sixth and seventh, I was the secretary. I didn’t mind because secretary is a nice title. I feel like a lot more people know me now because I’m president. It feels like when I performed in the talent show during my sixth-grade year and a few people knew me as “play rehearsal girl.” Not many people knew me but it was interesting to see who remembered me from the talent show.

TBO: What do you do in your free time?

Alison: I like to do Just Dance on my TV, scroll through Instagram, and text my friends. I haven’t had much time to do Just Dance because of school but it’s very fun. I recently started watching “Fullmetal Alchemist” and I think it’s a good pastime. I really like it. I like trying new things with my hair.

TBO: What advice would you give to next year’s middle school student president?

Alison: I would tell them to not stress too much about their election video. Of course, they have to make it look presentable, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. I would tell them that they have to come up with ideas of their own and everything doesn’t have to be the doing of SGA teachers. I’d tell them to set reminders for meetings because most of them are in the morning before class starts and it’s important that the president shows up.

TBO: Is there anyone that inspired you throughout middle school?

Alison: A few of the really intelligent people I’ve met, like our vice president, Jessica Latorre, and my friend Francesca Penaloza. They reminded me that there will be challenges, so I never have to let my intelligence work for itself. My current Algebra 2 teacher, Ms. Bohan, and current U.S. History teacher, Ms. Spoelstra, reminded me to never give up even when it’s overwhelming, to keep moving forward. My closest friend, Jesus Gonzalez, is the most interesting person I know and the nicest person I know. He inspired me to become nicer and he inspired me to be more confident. I like it whenever others are happy after I help them so that motivates me to keep helping others.

Thank you Alison for giving your time! And congrats for being Prep’s 2020-21 middle school president.